For the first time, Chestnut Hill College hosted close to 200 students from five area elementary schools as part of a uniquely tailored eighth grade admissions event.
The College’s admissions and education departments collaborated on the event as a way to make the most of the relationships between CHC and St. Genevieve’s Catholic Elementary School, Jenks Academy of Arts and Sciences, Henry H. Houston Elementary School, William H. Ziegler Elementary School and George W. Sharswood Elementary School
Admissions counselors gave presentations about what it takes to enroll at CHC and Student Activities representatives talked about the various clubs and activities available at the College. Harry Potter weekend was mentioned in both presentations and seemed to be a favorite. The students also enjoyed the pictures of Griffin, Kostka and Cornelius (the cat), CHC’s pets.
One of the main reasons for the event, in addition to introducing the students to Chestnut Hill College, was to help the eighth graders understand the importance of their high school years when it comes to the college application process.
“Most eighth graders aren’t thinking about financial aid and applying to colleges at that point in their lives so it was important to us to make sure these students knew that college is in fact a possibility and that it’s really their high school years that can have the greatest impact,” says Stephanie Williams ’07, assistant to the vice president for enrollment management.
The counselors stressed that it’s not just grades from junior and senior years, but academic reports as well as attendance and disciplinary records from all years, that colleges look for on an application and final transcript.
Following the presentations, student ambassadors led tours around campus, giving the eighth graders and their representing faculty a chance to get to know the College on a more personal level. As students saw the College from various angles, their awe was evident as they took in the breathtaking views and had the chance to walk parts of the campus, both inside and out.
“Everyone seemed to have a good time and the kids had really great questions,” says Williams. “It was clear that they came prepared and that they understood the value of the event and didn’t just treat it as a day off from school. It was very beneficial in that way, both for them and for us.”
“Who knows,” adds Williams, “maybe in five years we’ll be preparing to send an acceptance packet to one of those students, all thanks to them enjoying their visit and leaving with a positive and memorable experience of the College and what it has to offer.”
— Marilee Gallagher ’14
This story originally appeared in the April 2016 issue of Connections.